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Price list:  MSRP

Terms and Conditions


At CARSAN, we accept orders via fax, telephone, mail and e-mail. For best results and superior customer service, use CARSAN order forms and provide all information and specifications requested. Verbal orders are taken and repeated back by the order desk customer service associate, with the understanding that the dealer accepts responsibility for the information provided. Written confirmation of verbal or phone orders must be clearly marked « confirmation ».

You may also fax your orders and we will send you a detailed fax confirmation.

Attention: CARSAN will not be responsible for orders placed in duplicate. Keep all confirmations in case of a discrepancy.


Do not hesitate to call the CARSAN customer service associate if there is a problem. We will repair or replace at no cost any blind not

>Attention: You must obtain a return authorization number from CARSAN customer service prior to returning your goods.


Due to the custom nature of our products, we cannot accept cancellations or changes after production is initiated. Returns will only be accepted if a return authorization number has been given by the CARSAN customer service department. Merchandise for credit must


Prices do not include freight to CARSAN dealers. Please call our customer service associate for freight inquiries.


Payment terms are Net 30 days for customers with approved credit. Other customers may purchase products by prepaying orders. CARSAN reserves the right to delay processing of orders or suspend delivery until accounts are current.


Open accounts are extended to customers with established credit. New customers are required to complete a credit application form, provide financial statements, bank and business references.


Prices are subject to change without notice. A minimum charge of 30$ per invoice is required. Extras may be combined with regular orders to avoid minimum charges. All applicable taxes, insurance, duty and brokerage are extra.


Most blinds are shipped within 3 working days. Delivery dates are approximate and may vary. Customers should contact our customer service department for current information.


CARSAN warranties that all merchandise leaves its factory within specification. Please inspect the products upon arrival and report any damage on the freight bill, including quantities and both the receivers and drivers signatures. Any damage claims must be reported to CARSAN customer service department within 24 hours.


Commercial contract quotes are available. Please call our customer service department for inquiries.